How to dress for a beach party

Boracay beach is a nice location for parties and gatherings. An example of gathering that is suitable to celebrate in Boracay will be an alumni homecoming.

Of course, dressfirst to impress is the motto for this event. You don’t want to be seen ugly by your former high school or college classmates after a decade of your graduation. There are many ways to make a good impression from your former classmates like applying an appropriate make up, wearing jewelries to make you look stunning, and wearing a beautiful dress.

In celebrating an alumni homecoming in Boracay, choosing the best dress from a variety of homecoming dresses is a must.

What you should remember in choosing a dress? 
1. Remember to mix match your homecoming dresses to the event and to the venue. You are going to Boracay beach, I’m sure you don’t need to wear a long gown in that place.
2. Always choose a dress that makes you feel comfortable. Don’t choose a dress because it looks pretty but you are not comfortable wearing it.
3. Wear your chosen dress confidently. Don’t be shy to dressfirst with confidence. Carry on.

I’m sure with these simple tips; you will stand out on your alumni homecoming party in Boracay.


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