Raniag: The Vigan Twilight Festival

Most people equate Vigan with the historic Calle Crisologo. With its paved streets, horse-drawn carriages and old Spanish style houses. Walking along of Calle Crisologo in Vigan takes one back to life during the Spanish colonial era.I was amiably surprised to see another side of this heritage city, they're celebrating RANIAG Twilight Festival.

RANIAG is an Ilocano word means light, which connotes the light that Biguenos offer to the Lord in thanksgiving, the beacon that symbolizes the love for their departed kin, and the warmth of the bonding renewed in reunions held during 'Todos Los Santos'. Raniag: The Vigan Twilight Festival is a bright, joyful and colorful experience of street dancing, sky lanterns,and candle floaters.

The Raniag Twilight Festival is actually a series of activities and it is a week-long celebration prior to All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day.


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