The Architecture of Munich

Munich is Germany's third largest city with the most inhabitants after Berlin and Hamburg, and is the capital of Bavaria. It is also one of the most popular German cities with high flight traffic as a wide range of flights to Munich are available. The city is located north of the Bavarian Alps, which rise majestically behind the city.
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It is a great destination to visit given its gorgeous architecture and its notorious Bavarian culture, which differ in some respects from the general Germany. Although every situation is good to visit the city, it is true that this is one of the most common destinations for Erasmus in Germany.

Buildings through a beautiful form, tell a story about the background of the city and Munich is a great place to enjoy the different architectural styles. Again, as in much of the world today, we see a mixture of styles in the buildings of the city. During the Middle Ages this was a walled town and a door is still standing that was made as an entrance to the city of 1319-1791 (the Gate of Carlos).

The construction of Munich is largely of Baroque and Neo-Baroque type, churches are a clear example. In the city center there are some churches that are worth visiting, such as the Damenstiftskirche Santa Ana. What are also worth visiting are the medieval castles such as Alte Hof and the Residenz palace, which has its beginnings in 1385 and now houses one of the most important museums in Europe.

Just outside the city, you can visit the great Baroque Nymphenburg palace, reminiscent of the royal past of Bavaria, and is considered one of the most beautiful royal residences in Europe. As part of the baroque and rococo, we also find Renaissance, Gothic, neogothic, neoclassical and classical buildings.

Within the classical style, the city copies the Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles, as the three famous Ediciós that make Königsplatz Square what it is. At the same time, we must highlight the widespread culture of the city of Munich and contemporary architecture design, which has made it much more visible mixing the different times that have marked the city.

As you can see Munich has so much juice as far as admirable architecture is concerned, but that is only one part! Munich offers many activities to do, such as the famous Oktoberfest (beer festival), visit Bavarias tavernas, or other attractions.

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